Friday, July 10, 2009

Download Johnny Depp's 'Public Enemies' CAM Rip 700mb ...Having MultiSite Links...


Christian Bale takes on the role of Melvin Purvis, the FBI agent in charge of hunting down Dillinger. Bale played Purvis well and showed an awesome intensity in his manhunt for Dillinger. One problem I found, though, was that there wasn’t really enough back story on Purvis, so you couldn’t really feel close to the character. The other problem was that I thought the film would have equal Dillinger and Purvis screen time much like “Heat” did but more time was spent on Dillinger, so Purvis felt more like a background character. 

Another performance high light was Stephen Graham who played Baby Face Nelson, another public enemy. An early bank robbery scene with Dillinger and his crew was more organized while in the later bank robbery scene with Nelson you saw a different style play out. Nelson was a maniac and shot up the place while Dillinger played it cool, so you saw that Dillinger wasn’t so completely evil a bad guy as the FBI described him to be.The pacing the film moved both fast and slow but not enough time was spent on characters like Purvis and I wish that the film had run longer then its two and a half hour length. If they had dug deeper into Bale I think that would have improved the film a lot. The film was great, I am just hoping that they don’t cut down any of the shoot outs – those were definitely the highlights. I will  be seeing this when it comes out July 1st, and will be curious to see what the final cut will be.

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